The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Kings Heath Primary Academy

Everything we do is based on the highest expectations of the children, staff and the parents - as well as behaviour, commitment and endeavour.



Apply for a place

For full information and to apply for a place in our outstanding nursery please click on the links below.

Nursery Payment Policy

Nursery Expression of Interest Form


At Kings Heath we have a 2 year old and 3 year old nursery provision which we see as a vital foundation for a lifelong journey of learning. We understand the importance of the learning process from when the children join us at 2 years old to the point that they move into Year 1 as confident, independent, well rounded individuals with a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge. We pride ourselves on creating an Early Years environment that creates awe and wonder, giving every child the opportunity to explore, create, investigate and problem solve.

Being ready to learn is a key theme throughout our routines, expectations and what we teach and support the children to learn.  Therefore the children are encouraged to come in independently putting their belonging away and join our group circle for register and to discuss our learning and ideas for the day.

Sessions begin with working on our physical bodies and our learning brains developing our gross motor skills through playground games, rhymes and parachute fun learning how to take turns and be part of our nursery family.

We then use our active brains for the teaching input for all the children.  This could be lined to any area of the Early Years Curriculum but regularly involves a big write, telling and acting stories, Early Phonic games, maths concepts, or knowledge of their world which engage all of the children and building concepts, knowledge and skills.  

Our nursery follows a spiral curriculum which has been created and developed by experts which helps prepare them for their next stage of schooling. In addition, we value the children's interests and motivations and plan for these through Possible Lines of Development (PLOD) planning. This is embedded in our approach to securing a richness and breadth of experiences for learning and development and the skills of life long learning. This approach, as part of our offer, is embedded in the overarching principals of the EYFS. The unique child, positive relationships and our enabling environment for learning and development. .

The children then explore their own learning in our continuous provision (inside and outside) which consolidates taught aspects, builds skills and knowledge and sets open ended challenges.  Our nurseries have clear areas for different sets resources which the children access and follow expectations with growing independence.  Areas include free painting, dough area, loose parts section, a maths, message center and shop area and a construction areas to name a few.  Our highly qualified staff are experts at interacting with the children to develop their ideas and learning from the children’s own interests and motivations.  They ask questions to provoke new thinking and ideas.  Staff observe and record the children’s learning and the impact of their interventions and these are recorded on Tapestry an interactive learning journal.

In Nursery independence and care for our learning environment are key- children are encouraged to ‘Choose it…. Use it …. And put it back’ and all children are encouraged to work in teams to place everything in its rightful place.  Snack time is an opportunity to talk, share routines, make and share conversations and to discuss learning and next steps. Throughout the day high quality texts are shared to engross children in reading.

At Kings Heath we understand the importance of positive relationships with parents as the child’s first educator and carer.  We have a very effective induction programme which is tailored to the needs of each individual child’s needs and this allows children and parents to feel secure and settled.  Communication is key and we use Do-jo to share learning, messages and support for individual families.  We encourage parents to share home learning and comment on nursery learning through an on-line learning journal (Tapestry).

 To support the child’s love of learning and the ethos of completing learning at home we set home learning challenges.  These include weekly reading and rhyme of the week learning and tasks.  Open ended learning challenges are set each holiday around the next terms topics. These are brought into nursery by the children to share, celebrate and support children in a positive ethos of home learning for a success journey as a lifelong learner.

 At Kings Heath we are very proud of our Nursery Provision and the opportunities this gives to support our youngest learners to make the best possible start in their educational journey.

We are proud to showcase our beautiful nursery within the grounds of our school. The nursery runs morning and afternoon sessions as well as full day sessions (please enquire for availability). 

Kings Heath Primary Academy's above curriculum is underpinned by the below research carried out by the Education Endowment Foundation. The reccomendation focus on:

  • importance of high quality interactions between adults and children to develop their communication and language skills
  • using a range of different activities– like singing, storytelling and nursery rhymes – to develop children’s early reading and ability to hear and manipulate sounds. 

preparing literacy poster.pdf


We welcome you to visit the nursery and see what we have on offer. To find out more and to arrange a visit, please contact our friendly admin team on:

Telephone: 01604 751165 or 

Please see below some great links for parents:



EYFS Slideshow



How do I find out if I'm eligible for the 'funded places'? 

Please visit this link to find out if you are eligible for a 'funded place'. 

How long is a 'full day' and 'half day'?

Full day starts at 8.35am and finishes at 3.30pm
Half day morning starts at 8.35am and finishes at 11.35am 
Half day afternoon starts 12.30pm and finishes at 3.30pm

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